Checkpoint Menu
2023 WHITE MOUNTAINS 100 Checkpoint Menu
There will be food at each checkpoint, as well as at the trail shelter and the finish line. The food at the checkpoints is intended to provide racers with a warm dish and a few snacks. The grub at the checkpoints is not intended to be the racers’ only food source while they are on the race course. Racers need to be considerate of the racers coming behind them. While a few items can be carried down the trail, we didn’t plan for racers to stuff their pockets. There will be unlimited warm water and a lot (almost unlimited) of Gatorade or Tang and hot cocoa and coffee.
Checkpoint 1 (wall tent – Mile 17):
Most racers blast past this outdoor checkpoint quickly, so here we will have just water, hot cocoa, Gatorade, trail mix, cookies, candy, and chips.
Checkpoint 2 (Cache Mountain – Mile 40):
Ready for real food and a jolt of caffeine? The baked potatoes are here! Power up for the slog over the divide with a potato with all the toppings (cheese, bacon, butter, sour cream, ketchup). You will also find water, hot cocoa, Gatorade, coffee, Coke, cookies, candy, and chips. Look for homemade Rice Krispy treats here!
Checkpoint 3 (Windy Gap – Mile 62):
Feeling chilly? Warm up, hydrate, and fortify with some hot meatball and rice soup (available with just the veggie broth and rice for vegetarians/vegans) and pre-made PBJ's. As usual, find water, hot cocoa, Gatorade, coffee, Coke, cookies, candy, and chips. Look for homemade brownies here!
Checkpoint 4 (Borealis – Mile 80):
Are we tired yet? Wobbly legs? Wobbly stomach? Ramen noodles and broth go down easily. For those in the mood for breakfast there will also be instant oatmeal packs (various flavors). Pre-made PBJ's will also be on hand to provide power for those final 20 miles. As usual, find water, hot cocoa, Gatorade, coffee, Coke, cookies, candy, and chips. Look for more Rice Krispy treats!
Finish Line (wall tent):
Hooray, you made it! Maybe you're waiting for a ride, or just recouping enough to be able to drive yourself home. Either way, kick back and enjoy a hotdog or brat off the grill (veggie dogs available) with all the toppings, or a bagel with peanut butter. Salty snacks, cookies, and hot and cold drinks will be available. Look for homemade brownies here!