Volunteer Information
The White Mountains 100 race relies entirely on the dedication and help from volunteers. There are a variety of roles we need help with and depending on your time, whether it is just a few hours or several days, we can probably find some way that you can assist us. If you are interested in helping out in any way, shape, or form, we encourage you to drop us an email. We would be thrilled to have your assistance as well meet the variety of people out there that have an inherent interest in this race and see that it is successful.
email: whitemountains100 (at) gmail.com
Volunteer Information, Requirements and Compensation
Volunteer Opportunities that DO NOT Require a Snowmachine
Pre-Race Meeting (~2 hour position):
At TBA (UAF Campus)
Saturday, the day before the race:
2:30 - 3:00 PM - Set up directional signs for racers to find TBA and prepare for racer check-in
3:00 at 4:15 PM - Racer Check-in: Hand out swag, bibs and SPOT devices.
Parking Attendant / Finish Line Setup (~4 hour position):
At Wickersham Dome Trailhead
Sunday Race Day:
6:00 - 8:00 AM - Direct traffic
8:00 AM - Watch Start
Then set up finish line... hang Christmas lights, set up grill, finisher bell.
Compensated with Gas and Food Reimbursement
Headquarter staff (12 hour position):
At Wickersham Dome Trailhead
Checkpoint & medic check-ins, update results, take photos and post on Facebook
Welcoming party (12 hour position):
At Wickersham Dome Trailhead
Make it a party!!! Ring finisher bell, grill food for finishers, retrieve SPOT devices, make sure finisher are taken care of and finisher food is stocked.
All volunteers helping for 24 hours receive a will be entered into a volunteer only lottery into the following year’s race, and reimbursed for gas and food.
Volunteer Opportunities that REQUIRE a Snowmachine:
All Checkpoint Volunteers need their own snowmachine as there is lots gear, water, food and potentially scratched racers (possibly even with bikes) needing to be transported. Each checkpoint generally has 3 to 4 volunteers.
Specifics about each checkpoint is provided below:
Checkpoint #1 Moose Creek/ Haystack Junction: ~ Saturday to 3:30 PM Sunday (~24 hour position): All Volunteers need a snowmachines
Checkpoint #1 is at race mile ~17 and is ~17 miles from the Wickersham Dome trailhead.
Checkpoint volunteers arrive Saturday at their convenience, but after noon.
Checkpoint #1 is actually at the Haystack Junction and not at Moose Creek cabin, but we have the cabin for volunteer use.
Sunday morning Checkpoint #1 needs set up at the Haystack Junction, then staffed from ~9:00 AM until the last racer. The official cutoff time is 3:30 PM on Sunday.
Since this checkpoint is outside, the volunteers need to be well prepared to stand outside for many hours at a time.
Checkpoint #1 is very busy as racers are still grouped together. Racer move through this checkpoint very fast as it is still early in the race.
We provide snacks and beverages. Lots of water needs to be ready.
Volunteers depart after last racer.
Checkpoint #2 Cache Mountain: ~ Saturday to 11:59 PM Sunday (~40 hour position): All Volunteers need a snowmachines
Checkpoint #2 is at race mile ~39 and is ~20 miles from the McKay Creek trailhead.
Checkpoint volunteers arrive Saturday at their convenience, but after noon.
Checkpoint #2 needs to be staffed from ~11:30 AM Sunday to the cutoff time of 11:59 PM on Sunday.
Volunteers staff the checkpoint, providing a warm place with great eats and treats.
Volunteers depart at their leisure Monday morning.
Checkpoint #3 Windy Gap: ~ Saturday to 9:00 AM Monday (~40 hour position): All Volunteers need a snowmachines
Checkpoint #3 is at race mile ~60 and is ~40 miles from the Wickersham Dome trailhead.
Checkpoint volunteers arrive Saturday at their convenience, but after noon.
Checkpoint #3 needs to be staffed from ~1:30 PM Sunday to the cutoff time of 9:00 AM on Monday.
Volunteers staff the checkpoint, providing a warm place with great eats and treats.
Volunteers depart at their leisure Monday morning, but after 9:00 AM.
Checkpoint #4 Borealis: ~ Sunday Morning to 4:30 PM Monday (~36 hour position): All Volunteers need a snowmachines
Checkpoint #4 is the last checkpoint and located at race mile ~80 and is ~20 miles from the Wickersham Dome trailhead.
Checkpoint volunteers arrive Sunday morning after noon.
Checkpoint #4 needs to be staffed from ~3:30 PM Sunday to the cutoff time of 4:30 PM on Monday.
Volunteers staff the checkpoint, providing a warm place with great eats and treats.
Volunteers depart after last racer.